Details for this torrent 

Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Suite-ZWTiSO
Applications > Windows
3.73 GB

+2 / -0 (+2)

Nov 24, 2007

³þþ                        ¯ RELEASE iNFORMATiON ®                         þþ³
³°³ SOFTWARE NAME :        Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite
³°³ CRACKER       :        TEAM Z.W.T
³°³ SUPPLiER      :        TEAM Z.W.T
³°³ PACKER        :        TEAM Z.W.T
³°³ RELEASE TYPE  :        SERiAL
³°³ PROTECTiON    :        SERiAL
³°³ RELEASE DATE  :        11/21/2007
³°³ ZiP NAME      :        ZMVSS2K8.RAR
³°³ FORMAT        :        iSO
³°³ SiZE          :        1 DVD
³þþ                        ¯ ADDiTiONAL NOTES ®                            þþ³
³°³ COMPANY       :        Microsoft
³°³ PLATFORM      :        Windows
³°³ LANGUAGE      :        ENGLiSH
³°³ URL           :
³þþ                        ¯ RELEASE NOTES ®                               þþ³
 Microsoft? Visual Studio? 2008 delivers on the Microsoft vision of smart
 client applications by enabling developers to rapidly create connected
 applications that deliver the highest quality, rich user experiences. With
 Visual Studio 2008, organizations will find it easier than ever before to
 capture and analyze information to help them make effective business
 decisions. Visual Studio 2008 enables organizations of every size to
 rapidly create more secure, manageable, and reliable applications that
 take advantage of Windows Vista? and the 2007 Office system.

³þþ                        ¯ CONTACT iNFORMATiON ®                         þþ³
³°³                                                                        ³°³
³°³                                                                        ³°³
³°³                                                       ³°³
³°³                                                                        ³°³
³°³  Looking for software suppliers, proficient crackers & perl coders.    ³°³
³°³                                                                        ³°³
³°³                                                                        ³°³
³þþ TEAM Z.W.T 2007                                                 x!FEAR þþ³


Seed you fucking leeching maggots! Open up your god damned upload slots and unleash your upstream for maximum data force!
Seed, seed, seed the torrent,
quickly upstream.
Swiftly, swiftly, swiftly, swiftly,
Coding's but a dream.
hey, warez4l, you should sneaker-net a copy of this shit over to a comrade in arm's house and dual seed this bitch up!
this torrent is dead.... if it's real, wait for it to show up on other sources.
Only 2 seeders and 3 leechers.
Be patient!
is it the new msdn subscriber release or the beta/trial version???
I got Pro version and it's good. Hope this is even better than the Pro
^-- Yes, Team System has more features than Pro. Among others code analysis tools and performance profiling.
quit bellyachin'. The uploader provided everything you need, now here's the dl:
.r19 file header corrupted??!
.r20 CRC issue

Unable to unrar
This torrent works fine, bad dl maybe libertard. No issues, seems to be full version, not 90day/upgrade
Is this final or RTM?
I redownload the broken files and be able to install and to run test. Much more features than the Pro. Thanks
This looks like _The Place_.... VS9 went RTM last week, Team Zero Waiting Time is to warez as Sony is to audiovisual equipment, and I'm at TPB!

Life is good...

Version is 9.0.21022.8 RTM. A Real deal
I could not get it to run from mounted image on Vista x64.
If you have problems with setup not starting at all burn the iso to the CD and run it from there.
Works perfectly!

No serial, no activation crack and it's a fucking trial version.

I'm sure it's full of fucking virii and spyware as well.

its not a fake noob... the serial is embedded...
Can anyone help me to install after downloading the file.I just see loads of file. Thanks
can anyone give us the serial included.. for some reason, i did not get it!!
Serial number is intelligently embed in the setup file so you will never need this crap
I have downloaded this package.Can anyone help me to install.Do I need to upload to a DVD and then reun the software or or directly install from the HD. Thanks
Downloaded the team suite from Microsoft website, please publish the serial please!

Hi warez can you help me how to install after downloading the software onto the hard drive.I appreciate your wonderful help :-)
can't unrar
my issue :

deleted wrong downloaded piece of archive and reloaded it again

so everything is cool
how the hell can anyone expect to USE msvs2008 if they can't even figure out how to install it??? Are ppl just trying to fuk up their server's equipment bw or what?
Seed Men!!!!

I' m downloading this package and in my peer list
I' m seeing people with 100% of this, who they don't
seed at all !!!!

Come on people!!!!!
Awsome torrent will seed for a while.
I see ppl here unable to install this IDE. Dude, its not for you, dl the free version from microsoft, it has much more than you ever will get your head arround. downmlaod the edition you need her: for free and totally legal. and its for you knokkelheads here. The team suite edition is for cutting egde software developers, architechts, testers only not for you knockelheads not knowing how to install a program.

By the way the team suite costs about 20 000 dollars. and there are maybe, maybee! 10 developers beside me who even know how to use it here on this site.
After you install, run the install app again and select to change or remove. Navigate until you have a chance to upgrade. Once you click the upgrade, you will see the embedded serial.

Here is the embedded serial:
does this automatically upgrade itself?
this torrent sucks and dont work because of corrupt rar file. just get trial from microsoft and use a serial
thats a rather condescending remark. im sure there are ALOT more than 10 people that know how to use visual studio on this site ranging from beginner to advanced knowledge. for instance i've been using visual basic ("B"eginners "A"ll-purpose "S"ymbolic "I"nstruction "C"ode) since august 1996 and almost as strong in C as well as visual C++.
installed successfully without any problems. unrared then used poweriso to mount on virtual dvd drive. great torrent.

just reformated my hd for clean installation of this version and i get:

"Setup was unable to find Baseline data"

wtf??? never saw this b4, any ideas?
How I had to install: I simply double-clicked on the rar file in that list of rar's (zmvss2k8.rar) and it unzipped to show an iso file (zmvss2k8.iso).
I didn't have disks so I simply extracted the ISO to a temp directory in my documents. I then double-clicked setup and it went without a hitch.... NO PROBLEMS HERE, works great and no 90 day warning!!!!! Full version,, Not trial AWSOME!!!!!!
gotta be said, ur an asshole millennium5
... and Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 costs $2,799.00, not "about $20,000"
my guess is that you have no idea how to program either millennium5, you even make words up you "knockelheads"
Work 100% thksss man from brazil...
awesome torrent. decent enough speed, installed without any problems, full version.

to criminet, this version cost roughly $11,000 usd
how do i extract it onto my computer instead of a disc?
How to Crack !

solution is here,
1)Download Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Team system
2)install the application
3)restart the system,and run installation file again
4)application will run as maintenance mode
5)After initialization click Next
6)following window,there is new serial option(left down the window) enter this serial


7)click ok
